Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tips for dressing with style/Favorite street style blogs

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and inspiration pops into my head. I wake up with a smile on my face and shout 'I want to look like a sailor today!' And I toss on a striped blue shirt, a red cardigan and a brass buttoned skirt and skip out the front door. Sometimes not.
Sometimes I just stare at my closet confusedly condensing on my energy into keeping both my eyes open at the same time.

Regardless, I always like to have some kind of an idea of what I would like to portray that day. Sometimes I dress to look professional and intelligent during Job interviews, and sometimes I put on skull scarfs and big black boots to express my punk attitude. Other times I'm inspired by cupcakes, or birds, or landscapes, or designers or the 1800's. It all depends. I guess my number one tip would be~~~~~

1. Don't be afraid to take risks. The rules of style were put in place to be broken. Do you want to wear stripes with polka dots? Do it. Do you want to want to wear a tutu with a leather jacket? Go for it! If you're comfortable with dressing in a minimalist manner, that's great too! Great style can succeeds with trial and error. Dress to express. Dress how you want to dress. Of course there is What Not To Wear types of style rules set in place (Such as focal points, defining your waistline, etc, etc) that can be nice to follow. But dress in a way that makes you feel good and happy.

2. Don't define style by a price tag. That is one reason I love street style so much. It just seems so artistic and free, that's also the place where I've been getting the most inspiration, just by looking around me! You're style points do not go up depending on the number of zeros on the tag. Style can be your grandma's old Autumn coat, or a prom dress you found thrown in a pile of discount clothing in the bins of forever 21 (aka, how I got my 14 dollar prom dress). So don't be sad when you look in the windows of a Chanel or Gucci store. Instead, think out of the box.

3.  Broaden your horizons. Find inspiration! Fashion blogs, magazines etc etc. The Internet is a treasure trove for people interested by fashion. I love street style because it tends to show out of the box thinking on actual people who we know aren't photo-shopped and how the clothes would look on different body types. Here are a couple of my favorite:

A trendy London street style blog with a variety of styles ages and creative ways of dressing


 Street style catered to a younger crowd with photos that are self uploaded by tons of different sources all over the world! (This look from Sheryl L. WWW.WALKINWONDERLAND.COM)


A New York street style blog with looks so sophisticated and unique that you could believe they're straight from the runway! Simply fascinating!  (I love that girls hair at the bottom left)


A beautiful, colorful Abstract Japanese street fashion blog with looks ranging from cute, punk to absolutely wonderfully bizarre.

Everybody has different ways of expressing themselves. Through sports, pottery, poetry, singing, drawing, etc, etc. Finding your own personal style is a great form of self expression and a path to individuality. So be confident! You deserve it :D.

How did you find your personal style? Tell me in the comment section below!

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