Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Canadian Stereotypes and 5 Canadian Snacks That I Miss

When I tell people that I'm originally from Canada people generally have a lot of preconceptions and questions to ask. Questions such as:

Did you have a pet moose? Does it snow all the time? Does everybody say 'eh' and aboot? Is everybody really such a pushover?

Really the only things that most Americans think about when I say I'm Canadian is that Canada is just a less cool America with maple syrup, Mounties, Carly Rae Jepson and Justin Beiber. So basically...

Sighhh.....but even though there are SO many of these misconceptions about Canada, 

I'm not bitter.

You want to know why? I'll clue you in on a little something.

Canadian food snacks are unbelievably absolutely amazing. 

Food may not be the first thing that you think of when you think about Canada, but its something that I truly miss. The area that I lived in was so ethnically diverse in cuisine, I considered myself very lucky. I suppose it varies from place to place, but speaking in terms of Montreal grocery store finds these would be my favorite candies and snack foods:

My Top 5  Favorite Canadian Junk Food Snacks. 

Aero Bar

Ooooh, sweet bubbly, lovely melty chocolate bars that have a lovely texture and just melt in your mouth. My favorite is the 60% Strangely enough, I have seen a couple of these in various Asian grocery stores in the US, but no where else!



Though they share a name with those chalky colorful candies wrapped up in a cylinder, In Canada, they are actually delicious candy coated chocolates that are FAR superior to M&M's. They have a much different taste, a different shape and are slightly bigger

Wonder Bar

Good luck explaining these to American friends! Wonder bar is another chocolate bar with a strange, spongy, chewy, caramel, honey hard fluff on the inside. Definitely one of a kind!

Dill Potato Chips

Granted I do see these in the grocery store now, I first tried these in Canada (I can't remember the brand!!!!!) They were little rounds and they came out of what looked like a cat food bag but they were DELICIOUS. I miss you chips.


Coffee Crisp

I miss Coffee Crisp the moooost. In terms of taste, they are kind of like giant flaky Kit Kat bars with a taste of lovely sweet coffee. My absolute favorite. I saw that you could get them of Amazon but they waaay bananacrazytops expensive.


And runner up: Tim Hortons Donuts

While I can't admit to liking Tim Hortons coffee, (It's like flavored coffee milk and not in the good way)

I can admit that Timmy's donuts are delicious one and while.


I suppose the moral of my post is,
the next time you hear that somebody is Canadian, don't ask if they like Justin Beiber, instead ask them about Smarties and Ketchup and Pickle Chips. If you're nice they just might share some with you ;D. 

While I don't really like poutine if you're ever going to Canada, you might want to give it a try as well.

Omg, I can't write this any longer, I'm seriously craving chocolate. 

Tata for now!

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