Friday, May 10, 2013

My most popular blog posts: Tips for new bloggers

Hello Readers! Chouchou here! (Wait, who else would it be?) with just a little blog update for you! I've been blogging for a little bit now And I'd like to share with you my most popular posts!

Some of my most popular posts so far have been about pixie cuts (My most popular post being the first of my growing out series) aka number 1 on my list: Growing out a pixie cut: The Justin Bieber and Inbetween stage and second most popular being If you're thinking about getting a pixie cut (Which i'm TOTALLY STOKED about considering that that was my first ever blogpost!!!!!)

After that is my post about my trend report on Rainbows and Ombre  Aha! It pays to be fast on trends!

Then there is also my review on the Mandarin rap artist Soft Lipa that is topping my charts which i'm totally amazed about! I stated in that article that not a lot of people probably knew about him but my review turned out to be one of my most popular posts! It was really fun to write as well!

Overall my goal isn't to be popular, that's not why I made this post. I made this post to make this point:

Write what you love and don't  just write because you want to be a popular blog. My goal isn't to be popular, my goal is to share my knowledge, personality and style with you.
I see tons of forums with bloggers that don't think they have enough readers. Find what your writing passion and your personality will come out in your words. Some of the most fun blog posts to write become my most popular. It definitely comes across when you are excited about writing and that's what draws people in.

Thank you, readers for your time. Thank you for also sticking with me. I hope we will have alot of memories to share together.

And now in a typical me fashion, I shall express my appreciation with gifs.

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