Saturday, April 6, 2013

Foreign pop recommendations: Mandopop Soft Lipa 蛋堡 Review

Yeah! Review number 3#~! On to another staple in my ipod!

 Soft Lipa! 

(Otherwise known as SL, Egg Fort or Du Zhenxi)
(Or as I thought he was saying, Salt-Flippa!)


I forgot where I found out about Soft Lipa. I think I was maybe messing around on grooveshark or something. It was really fun to look him up again though and find more of his songs!

Orgin: Taiwan

Language: Mandarin

Style of music: Easy Rap? Soft Hip-hop?

For fans of: Hmm.. This is hard. Soft lipa kind of has a style that is all his own. Maybe for fans of jazz who have an interest in hiphop? Or vice versa? 

Good for: Relaxation, Listening to while on a walk.

Mainstreamabilty: 5/10

Honestly, I have never heard a style like Soft Lipa. It's hard to describe. He usually samples a retro track (usually swing or jazz) puts a beat to it and raps to it. It comes of very thoughtful with a consistent tone. I guess this wouldn't be considered Mandopop, I think the term for it is C-rap. but...yeah....

I don't want to refer to it as that -_-.

But on a downside, none of your friends will know about him. I don't even know how I know about him because he is pretty non existent on the Internet. He doesn't have an English wikipedia page and none of his songs have translations.

I did find a Mandarin wiki page on him and supposedly his name is Egg Fort???

"Eggs Fort, Taiwan rapper Du Zhenxi nickname. A McDonald's bacon and egg fort contained child father every day when he went to school will point to let him breakfast, the fans called eggs Fort." -Baike

Yes. I totally understand what you're saying.

Honestly, I know really nothing about Soft Lipa too. I just know that I like his songs, 
I don't really like the music videos as much.  
I have absolutely no clue what he is saying.
And I like to imagine it's super deep.

This is the first song I've heard by him 

This is 踩腳踏車 AKA "Biking" I love the images in this one. Its a lighthearted, sunny music video with artistic imagery that one would see while out of a bike ride. Pretty and sunny, it captures the feeling of a bike ride perfectly. It was a great song and enough to make me want to research more. 

Honestly, I like so many of his songs, its really hard to choose only a couple

This one is called 
過程 Aka "Process".  No music video for this one! And that's fine with me. I really like this song, it reminds me of Katamari type music. This one is supremely jazzy and I like the accents of the piano.

Hehehe! This one is called  熱水澡 AKA "Hot Bath".  This one is my favorite because he sampled it from my favorite jazz song "The Girl From Ipanema". With his rapping style its a really serene combination. Ahhhh... Again there is no music video here, but I don't think thats important. 

There was also another song called 回到過去 or "Back to the Past" I think it translates to. that was also a really great song but it won't let
me embed the video so here it is if you want to listen to it. 

I could show you about more of my favorite Soft Lipa songs, but you get the idea. He has a unique and consistent tone that makes his songs sound a little similar to each other (Not in a bad way) and it takes a unique song taste to appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it anyways, I tried to keep my comments about the music short, so you could decide for yourselves.

Since I can't understand Mandarin, I really hope he's not one of those rappers who just strings along expletives and calls it art, but it sounds so thoughtful that I can't imagine that to be true. I think it's unfortunate that I don't know a lot about Soft Lipa, and that he doesn't seem to be very popular. Maybe someday I'll finally meet another person who knows his name!

Gah! This is the second artist review I've done today, I've been sitting on my butt for way too long. If you want any particular foreign artist for me to review please tell me in the comments!

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