Saturday, April 6, 2013

Foreign pop recommendations: British Pop MIKA review

Hi there lovely people! I was just going through my ipod again for another foreign pop recommendation and I think I found the perfect one. And bonus for all of you: It's in English (Well some of it ;) )


Orgin: Britain

Language: English and French

Style of music: Electronic Pop

For fans of: Queen, Keane,  80's pop, Ben Folds, Kate Nash

Good for: Dance!!!!

Mainstreamabilty: 10/10!

MIKA's music is SO fun to dance too. I first discovered him when I bought my first mp3 player when I was about 10ish. I was just getting into to music, but I didn't really know what I liked yet. So one day when I was looking for inspiration, and sat down and turned the television to the Today Show.
And there was MIKA and his band singing "Big Girl You Are Beautiful". 4It was about the catchiest song that I had ever heard and I rushed to the computer immediately to try to figure out how to buy it, but that was the only song of his that I knew.
5 years later, I was on youtube looking to update my stash of French pop and I came across "Elle Me Dit" and thought it was the catchiest song I had ever heard. I went on itunes to buy and it turned out,

Elle Me Dit was by MIKA too.
I had come across him twice without even trying to.
His songs were that. good.

His style is awesome. His songs will be stuck in your head for weeks. They're fun, explosive and full of life. They demand you to get up and dance. I didn't even know he could speak French but it turns out he is fluent in French and Spanish, how cool is that?? And a couple of my friends had said that they had heard of him before! That never happens with music that I like!!!

Here's the song I first heard from him. 

...My gosh that's an awkward place to pause. This is Big Girl You Are Beautiful , its just a fun, retro celebration of girls with bigger bodies. Catchy Catchy Catchy!

Here is Elle Me Dit, (She says to me) which is probably one of my favorite music videos in the whole world.

I love the silliness in the music video. Its colorful, adorable and goes perfectly with the song. Whenever I try to introduce MIKA to my friends I always use this music video and song. There is an English version on this song called Emily, but I prefer the French one. You can find the other one if you like though...but you'll have to find it yourself! Ha!


This is Relax, Take it Easy, This is probably the song that you've most likely heard of his. It's the only one that I've heard on the radio. I love the synth in this one. Boop boop boop boop boop boop...

I'm listening to his music while I write this. Its getting increasingly hard not to get up and dance....


Next time I'll try to write a post that isn't France related, promise!

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